Featuring MathOnco research group highlights on the official mathOnco community website

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As part of the MathOnco team, I have created a new feature for the official MathOnco community website: MathOnco research group highlights. In this section of the website, we provide a world-wide overview of MathOnco research groups, that can be searched by keywords and geographic location.

Current authors of a Mathematical Oncology blog post are eligible to submit their group page. If you're not already an author, you may submit a post for consideration at the same time as submitting your group information. We hope this will maximize discussion between math oncology groups worldwide.

If you want to check it out and you're interested in what you can do with this new feature, or you want your group to be featured there, please read my recent blog post on the official MathOnco blog describing all these things and how you can contribute.
